It's time to sum up. What can I conclude after this week in Aalborg?
First of all, it's always a good idea to leave your school, to get into another one, to talk with other teachers, to observe other students and to breathe fresh air so as to think about what you are doing for a living.
No extreme differences, no magic methodologies, just thinking about education and its challenges. We are doing well at our school, at least when it comes to my department, but we should always be willing to improve, to go further.
While nothing has impressed me too much, (apart from the outstanding sorroundings of the schools) these days have been uplifting for me. We are two different countries, cultures, populations, etc. But students are more or less the same and challenges we both face too. So, what is the point? Do they invest more money? Yes, they do. But we do invest too. Are they doing it better? I don't really know. But I could see how they focus on students and how it makes all the difference. They are not so worried about exams and grades but about students wellbeing, competences and how to get the best from each individual. And they put a lot of effort on it. And that is the lesson I have learnt.
I'm very grateful for this opportunity.
Jørgen and Katrine at Stolpedalsskolen |
Kunsten - Museum of modern Art Aalborg |